Brown and White Vol. 96 no. 16 — 30 October 1984


Biology Program Bursting


Biology Program Bursting

by stuart m silberman

we need a new building complained biology chairman barry bean were just bursting at the seams bean said that about eight years ago when the new century fund ncf was started the biol ogy department was not included ncf began in 1972 when the original goals were finalized according to developement director jack ful ton he explained that when goals were dis cussed it was determined that the plan would be instituted in two phases neither of which included provisions for expanding the biology department the first phase which involved various con struction projects on campus such as renova tions and the constructions of the seeley g mudd chemistry building , began in 1972 and was com pleted on schedule in 1976 according to fulton the more recent phase which began in 1979 included in its objectives the constructions of the mart library extension the renovations of lind erman library and taylor college and the con struction of an extension to the physics building he said adding we are still attempting to meet those objectives and we expect to end on time fulton explained when going through initial planning several departments put in proposals and the next step is for the presidents staff and the board of trustee to put the proposals in prior ity order old labs demoralizing bean said the biology department was in for a new building eight years ago but said the department decided to settle for immediate funds to do renovations in williams hall we still need a new building he said explaining we desper ately need lab renovations the old labs are dem oralizing and that gets in the way of productivity fulton said in recent years the biology department and williams hall have benefited from funds provided by the development office some of these funds came from the annual giving fund which is separate from the ncf the giv ing funds are raised from individuals and

industry fulton said that last year about 3.5 million was raised he explained that the presidents staff and the board of trustees examine all proposals which is a very involved process they discuss which needs are most important and a large segment is appropriated on an annual basis to meet financial aid needs money amounting to 85,000 was appropriated to renovate a genetics laboratory this year and in recent years two other biology rooms were com pletely renovated fulton said bean said we have had a fair amount of renovations in the past year or two but people have been disappointed that the renovations havent come through more quickly lehigh missed the boat bean said that in the 60s many other universi ties expanded their life sciences departments but lehigh has missed the boat bean said most of the other schools that were competing with have gotten their share at the moment things are on hold he said adding were poised for growth we really need growth bean said that he knew that lehighs first priority is to complete exisiting projcts but stressed we the life sciences departments need the time of the university officials to work on a new developement drive and they have been sympathetic not industry oriented weve been told we should wait that there will be development projects planned within the next couple of months bean said he added however that other departments which are more closely tied to industry would be considered first because biology is not particularly industry oriented and money talks he explained that funds for large projects such as a new building come prim arily from industry-related sources bean said the quality of our space has improved but added there is tremendous need for more it doesnt help any of the departments if were all fighting for the same space we dont consider it to be productive its not our objective to screw over geology




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